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  • Liu Qingfeng: iFlytek is not fooling Huawei's traffic. Some people are afraid that our big model is too good

    Liu Qingfeng: iFlytek is not fooling Huawei's traffic. Some people are afraid that our big model is too good

    Lei Diwang, Lei Jianping, October 25thIFlytek held the 6th World Sound Expo and 2023 Global 1024 Developer Festival yesterday. Liu Qingfeng, Chairman of iFLYTEK and Liu Cong, Dean of the Research Institute, released the iFLYTEK Spark Cognitive Model V3...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-25 11:47:40
  • 2023 Wuxi Intelligent Connected Vehicle Ecological Conference Successfully Held

    2023 Wuxi Intelligent Connected Vehicle Ecological Conference Successfully Held

    On October 20th, the 2023 Wuxi Intelligent Connected Vehicle Ecological Conference, hosted by the Wuxi Municipal People's Government, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and the Sensor Branch of the China Society of Automotive Engineering, was held in Wuxi, gathering industry leaders, experts and scholars, as well as upstream and downstream ecological enterprises in the industrial chain, to focus on the development trends of intelligent connected vehicles and automotive semiconductor industries, as well as the innovation and application of key sensor technologies Share and exchange breakthroughs in chip technology and other dimensions, explore new technologies, applications, and industrial development paths, and promote the deep development of intelligent connected vehicles empowering the digital economy.Zhao Lijin, Assistant Secretary General of the China Society of Automotive EngineeringShi Xiaopeng, Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Zhang Zhen, Deputy Mayor of Wuxi City, and Wang Jianbin, Senior Engineer of the Science and Technology Innovation Department of the Equipment Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, delivered speeches respectively...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-24 15:16:01
  • JD 11.11: Ten Minute Transaction Order Volume Grows More Than Four Times year-on-year

    JD 11.11: Ten Minute Transaction Order Volume Grows More Than Four Times year-on-year

    On October 24th, it was reported that at 8pm on October 23rd, the number of users who placed orders and the number of orders traded within 10 minutes of the opening of JD 11.11 increased by more than four times year-on-year...

    internet 2023-10-24 09:16:47
  • Microsoft CEO Nadella: I have undergone four major transformations, and AI is the fifth

    Microsoft CEO Nadella: I have undergone four major transformations, and AI is the fifth

    On October 23rd, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella stated in a media interview that she has undergone four major transformations and is currently undergoing the fifth major transformation, namely artificial intelligence.Nadella also stated that if we cannot adapt to new technological changes, we may lose everything...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-24 08:23:37
  • Tencent Cloud established the Songshan Lake Digital Economy Industrial Base to assist Dongguan in building a digital economy highland

    Tencent Cloud established the Songshan Lake Digital Economy Industrial Base to assist Dongguan in building a digital economy highland

    On October 20th, Tencent Cloud and Dongguan jointly established the Songshan Lake Digital Economy Industrial Base (hereinafter referred to as the "Base"), with the first batch of 11 enterprises settling in. In the future, the base will fully leverage Tencent Cloud's leading technology and resource advantages in big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and other areas to assist local enterprises in Dongguan in digital upgrading and promote high-quality development of Dongguan's digital economy industry...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-24 08:23:27
  • Samsung Launches HBM3E

    Samsung Launches HBM3E "Shinebolt": Targeting Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Applications

    Recently, Samsung held the "Samsung Memory TechDay 2023" event, showcasing a series of innovative technologies and products leading the era of ultra large scale artificial intelligence (AI), including HBM3E "Shinebolt", LPDDR5XCAMM2, and detachable AutoSSD, to accelerate technological progress in future applications including cloud, edge devices, and automobiles.Samsung has announced the launch of a new generation of HBM3EDRAM called "Shinebolt", targeting next-generation artificial intelligence applications, increasing total cost of ownership (TCO), and accelerating artificial intelligence model training and inference speed in data centers...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-24 08:23:20
  • Taobao's

    Taobao's "Billion Dollar Subsidy" Online Double 11 Crazy Supplement Special Session, Supporting Whole Network Price Comparison

    On October 23rd, it was reported that the countdown to the 2023 Tmall Double 11 will be one day, and Taobao will add a "10 billion yuan subsidy". The Double 11 Crazy Supplement Special Session will be launched, and popular and seasonal new products in industries such as mobile digital, branded beauty, and warm shoes and clothing will be subsidized to the annual new low price, with spot sales...

    internet 2023-10-24 08:23:06
  • Hot search before firing! Lu Weibing asked late at night: Why is Xiaomi 14 so hot

    Hot search before firing! Lu Weibing asked late at night: Why is Xiaomi 14 so hot

    On October 22nd, KuaiTech reported that at 00:08 today, Lu Weibing, a partner and president of Xiaomi Group, president of the international department, and general manager of Redmi brand, asked late at night, "Why is Xiaomi 14 so popularNetizens commented that "because 13 was indeed too successful, it has accumulated a lot of popularity".At present, the Xiaomi 14 series has not been released and there is no new preheating...

    Mobile Internet 2023-10-22 13:46:54
  • Microsoft CEO Nadella's Annual Letter: Seize the Opportunity and Fully Develop Artificial Intelligence!

    Microsoft CEO Nadella's Annual Letter: Seize the Opportunity and Fully Develop Artificial Intelligence!

    10162023CEO Satya NadellaAIAI"" 48 PC///""AIAIAIAIAIAI,48PC///:1EpicAzure OpenAIDragon Ambient eXperience Copilot2Mercado LibreGitHub Copilot50%3ChatGPTAzure OpenAI Service4Lumen TechnologiesMicrosoft 365 Copilot5The ContingentDynamics 365Power BIAzureAI20232110880,,,,,,AI,,Copilot,AICopilot,,Copilot:,,,AI,,,AIOpenAIChatGPTNVIDIAAIAdeptInflectionAzureAzure Arc1.8AIMicrosoft FabricAzure AIAzure OpenAIChatGPTGPT-4Azure11,000MetaLlamaAzure AI StudioGitHub Copilot55%27,000GitHub Copilot for Business1GitHub CopilotGitHub Copilot XAIGitHub10AI/Power Platform63,000Power PlatformAIDynamics 365 CopilotCRMERPDynamics 365 Customer ServiceCopilotAIMicrosoft Sales CopilotCRMSalesforceDynamicsDynamics5010DAX CopilotEpicMicrosoft 365OfficeTeamsDesignerStreamLoopMicrosoft 365Microsoft 365 CopilotMicrosoft GraphMicrosoft 365Microsoft 365 CopilotMicrosoft TeamsTeamsTeams50%Teams PremiumTeams3Microsoft VivaVivaCopilotViva3500Security Copilot6...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-22 13:46:27
  • Some Pixel8 series users have received a problem machine unlocking the boot program

    Some Pixel8 series users have received a problem machine unlocking the boot program

    IT Home reported on October 22nd that recently, some users who purchased Pixel8 series phones reported on Reddit that their phone's boot loader was not locked. Unlocking the boot program is necessary for users who like to install custom firmware or want to obtain phone root permissions, but most Android phones default to locking the boot program...

    Mobile Internet 2023-10-22 13:46:19
  • Huawei BG Vice President: Over the next five to ten years, the Internet of Things will create a trillion dollar market

    Huawei BG Vice President: Over the next five to ten years, the Internet of Things will create a trillion dollar market

    The next decade is a golden period for the development of the Internet of Things, in which all devices, terminals, and sensors will be based on IoT to achieve full perception and digitization of the Internet of Things Xue Ming, Director of the National Broadband Mobile Communication Core Network Engineering Technology Research Center, delivered a keynote speech at the 2023 World Internet of Things Wuxi Summit titled "Smart Connect Everything: Consolidating the Foundation of the Digital Economy".Xue Ming stated that in the next 5 to 10 years, the Internet of Things will develop into a trillion dollar market with billions of connections...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-22 13:46:08
  • Tesla Cybertruck Pickup

    Tesla Cybertruck Pickup "Violent Test": Dozens of Submachine Gun Ammunition Fails to Penetrate Vehicle Doors

    On October 21st, IT Home reported that Tesla CEO Musk announced on X (formerly Twitter) early this morning that his Cyberrack pickup truck had recently completed a "violent test": "We used the 'Alcapen' style to empty all the bullets from Tommy submachine gun drums and hit them on the door of this car,Not a single bullet penetrated the passenger compartmentIT Home NoteThe Tommy submachine gun mentioned here, also known as the Thompson submachine gun, has 50 rounds and 100 rounds of ammunition available, and 100 rounds can be fired within 7 seconds; Alcapen used 70 rounds of the gun to create a gang murder in 1929, and the gun later earned the nickname "Chicago Typewriter".Prior to this, Tesla Silicon Valley Owners Club shared a video showing a Cybertruck driving on a highway,Dozens of bullet holes were left on the driver's side door...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-22 13:46:06



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