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  • Zhidu Shares: Currently, the company does not have any plans to continue purchasing Bitcoin

    Zhidu Shares: Currently, the company does not have any plans to continue purchasing Bitcoin

    Every time through AI Express, investors ask on the investor interaction platform: Does the company continue to buy Bitcoin? Have you learned any lessons from it?On May 15th, Zhidu Shares (000676. SZ) stated on the investor interaction platform that the Bitcoin held by the company comes from purchasing blockchain computing power cloud services from BitDeer in 2021, and the corresponding Bitcoin generated from this computing power belongs to the company as a service result...

    Blockchain 2023-05-15 22:09:17
  • For the first time in human history! Zimbabwe issued

    For the first time in human history! Zimbabwe issued "gold standard digital currency"

    Zimbabwe, which has suffered from currency depreciation, is determined to leave a magnificent mark in financial history. At the beginning of May, this small African country announced that it planned to issue digital currency supported by gold reserve as legal tender...

    Blockchain 2023-05-15 21:28:50
  • Why can Musk's frequent naming of

    Why can Musk's frequent naming of "Memecoin", which has skyrocketed and plummeted, become a new opening in the currency circle?

    Interface News Reporter | Si LinweiRecently, the cryptocurrency market centered around Bitcoin and Ethereum has not experienced significant fluctuations, but the price of an air currency called "PEPE" has plummeted by more than 60% in a week, with its market value reduced to approximately $560 million.It is worth noting that before the sharp drop, this "Memecoin" named "PEPE" also created a speculative myth in the coin circle...

    Blockchain 2023-05-15 10:18:50
  • Want to overthrow another industry again? The project 'Father of ChatGPT' is expected to receive further financing

    Want to overthrow another industry again? The project 'Father of ChatGPT' is expected to receive further financing

    Sam Altman is close to raising $100 million for the crypto project 'World Currency'; Three insiders revealed that the world currency is already in the advanced negotiation stage in raising funds in this round; Earlier this week, World Coin launched a new product - the encrypted wallet WorldApp. Cailian News Agency, May 14th (Editor Zhao Hao)According to multiple media reports, Sam Altman, the father of ChatGPT and CEO of artificial intelligence research company OpenAI, is close to raising $100 million for the encryption project Worldcoin...

    Blockchain 2023-05-14 22:55:18
  • The first digital RMB

    The first digital RMB "technology oriented enterprise knowledge value credit loan" launched by Bank of Communications in Hunan

    Red Net Moments News on May 14th(Correspondent Yi Yue) On May 12th, three customers who were shortlisted for the list of technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises by the Hunan Provincial Department of Science and Technology in Changsha City operated on their Bank of Communications enterprise online banking system. With a light click of the mouse, a total of 583100 yuan of loan funds were withdrawn into their enterprise digital RMB corporate wallets for operational turnover of enterprises such as payment for goods...

    Blockchain 2023-05-14 18:24:39
  • Coin An has officially withdrawn from the Canadian market, stating that it hopes to cooperate with Canadian regulatory agencies

    Coin An has officially withdrawn from the Canadian market, stating that it hopes to cooperate with Canadian regulatory agencies

    Interface News Reporter | Si LinweiOn May 13th Beijing time, the world's largest cryptocurrency trading platform, Coin An, announced its official withdrawal from the Canadian market. Coin An released this news on its official social media platform, stating that the reason for its withdrawal is due to the recent new regulatory guidelines for cryptocurrencies by Canadian regulatory authorities...

    Blockchain 2023-05-13 11:02:21
  • Cryptocurrency Exchange Coin Announces Exit from the Canadian Market

    Cryptocurrency Exchange Coin Announces Exit from the Canadian Market

    On May 12th, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, Coin On, announced its withdrawal from the Canadian market, stating that it is no longer suitable for Coin On due to "new guidelines related to stable currencies and investor restrictions on cryptocurrency exchanges". In recent months, Canada has tightened its regulation of crypto asset trading platforms by introducing a pre registration process, and companies that do not comply with regulations will face potential enforcement actions...

    Blockchain 2023-05-13 08:26:46
  • How to View the Development of Web3.0 in Hong Kong

    How to View the Development of Web3.0 in Hong Kong

    Xiong DezhiThe new licensing system for Hong Kong's virtual asset trading platform will take effect on June 1st, and the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission (SFC) will license cryptocurrency exchanges, allowing retail investors to trade through licensed platforms. The regulation of virtual asset trading platforms is based on the current regulations under the Securities and Futures Ordinance in Hong Kong, and is the same as the relevant regulations applicable to licensed securities firms and automated trading venues...

    Blockchain 2023-05-13 06:31:42
  • Numbering and lettering Bitcoin, this

    Numbering and lettering Bitcoin, this "ancient" blockchain network is stuck in congestion moments

    Interface News Reporter | Si LinweiCompared to Ethereum, Bitcoin, with its vision of "digital gold", has been relatively calm in terms of blockchain technology updates in recent years. However, the Bitcoin community has recently ushered in the hottest moment of technology discussion in recent years...

    Blockchain 2023-05-12 19:01:29
  • Suzhou Launches the First Digital RMB

    Suzhou Launches the First Digital RMB "Return Insurance" in the Province

    Modern Express News (Reporter Gaoda): In order to create a better consumer environment, recently, People's Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd...

    Blockchain 2023-05-12 14:24:10



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