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  • Qi Xiangdong, Chairman of Qi'anxin Group: Security Protection in the Digital Intelligence Era Needs New Thinking

    Qi Xiangdong, Chairman of Qi'anxin Group: Security Protection in the Digital Intelligence Era Needs New Thinking

    On October 31st, the 2023 "Tianfu Cup" International Cybersecurity Competition and Tianfu International Cybersecurity Forum opened in Chengdu. Chen Jing, an academician of the CAE Member, said in his speech that at present, China's land, sea, air and space integrated information network industry and infrastructure are "strong in the land and weak in the sky", "strong inside and weak outside" and other problems...

    internet 2023-10-31 20:56:04
  • Qi Xiangdong, Chairman of Qi'anxin Group: Security Protection in the Digital Intelligence Era Needs New Thinking

    Qi Xiangdong, Chairman of Qi'anxin Group: Security Protection in the Digital Intelligence Era Needs New Thinking

    On October 31st, the 2023 "Tianfu Cup" International Cybersecurity Competition and Tianfu International Cybersecurity Forum opened in Chengdu. Chen Jing, an academician of the CAE Member, said in his speech that at present, China's land, sea, air and space integrated information network industry and infrastructure are "strong in the land and weak in the sky", "strong inside and weak outside" and other problems...

    internet 2023-10-31 20:56:04
  • Kwai Double 11: GMV in pre-sale period increased by 84% year on year

    Kwai Double 11: GMV in pre-sale period increased by 84% year on year

    On October 31, it was reported that the pre-sale phase of the Kwai Double 11 Promotion was closed, and the GMV of goods in the pre-sale period was 84% higher than that of last year.According to statistics, the top three product categories with the highest sales during the pre-sale stage are home appliances, beauty personal care, and 3C digital...

    internet 2023-10-31 17:32:29
  • ArrowLake-S will support instruction sets such as AVX-VNNI, but Intel does not plan to provide it on mobile chips

    ArrowLake-S will support instruction sets such as AVX-VNNI, but Intel does not plan to provide it on mobile chips

    Although ArrowLake still has a considerable amount of time to come, Intel, in order to prepare its ISV ecosystem for emerging technologies in future microarchitectures, mentioned in the instruction set reference guide released in July this year that ArrowLake will support a series of instruction sets, including AVX-VNNI-INT16, SHA512, SM3, and SM4.Recently, some netizens discovered that the instruction set supported by ArrowLake chips for desktop and mobile platforms is different, and ArrowLake-S for the former will support more instruction sets...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-31 14:10:01
  • M3/M3Pro/M3Max chip release: adding hardware light tracing function

    M3/M3Pro/M3Max chip release: adding hardware light tracing function

    Apple announced its M3, M3Pro, and M3Max chips today. These three new chips adopt a series of breakthrough technologies, bringing unimaginable performance improvements to the Mac and unlocking numerous new features...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-31 14:09:56
  • Apple VisionPro Head Display Design Patent Approved

    Apple VisionPro Head Display Design Patent Approved

    On October 31st, IT Home reported that the Hong Kong Patent Office in China announced 27 design patents related to Apple's VisionPro head display last Friday,Involving over 216 overall designs and various components, ensuring that all components are legally protected.IT Home Note: Apple's current application is for a design patent and does not provide any other key details of the design...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-31 14:09:51
  • Ideal L-series model OTA4.6.2 officially launched, with new air conditioning energy-saving mode added

    Ideal L-series model OTA4.6.2 officially launched, with new air conditioning energy-saving mode added

    On October 31st, IT Home reported that the Ideal L-series model OTA4.6...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-31 14:09:35
  • Microsoft Update Microsoft Store Support Document: Detailed third-party billing operation method

    Microsoft Update Microsoft Store Support Document: Detailed third-party billing operation method

    On October 31st, IT Home reported that Microsoft has recently updated its Microsoft Store support document to provide detailed information on the operation of third-party billing systems,Provide more flexible payment options for applications, games, and in app purchases.Microsoft has stated that it will restrict third-party billing systems, such as users not being able to use gift cards or store points...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-31 14:09:34
  • Jiangsu Bank Beijing Branch Continuously Building Digital RMB Application Scenarios

    Jiangsu Bank Beijing Branch Continuously Building Digital RMB Application Scenarios

    In order to accelerate the popularization and application of digital RMB, Jiangsu Bank Beijing Branch's various business lines will collaborate and continue to build digital RMB application scenarios, and promote the expansion of digital RMB scenarios.This year, Bank of Jiangsu Beijing Branch opened a total of 37 digital RMB corporate wallets and 31 digital RMB payment merchants, assisting merchants in using the functions of digital RMB withdrawal, transfer, and payment receipt, allowing merchants to truly experience the security, efficiency, and convenience of digital RMB payment...

    Blockchain 2023-10-31 14:08:34
  • Deng Xiaobo, Vice President of APUS: AI Big Model Empowers Digital Innovation

    Deng Xiaobo, Vice President of APUS: AI Big Model Empowers Digital Innovation

    On October 31st, NetEase Technology reported that Deng Xiaobo, Vice President of APUS, analyzed the trend of AI big model technology driving the development of the digital economy on site at the 2023 Eathink Digital Ecological Partnership Conference held in Henan Province.Deng Xiaobo shared APUS's exploration in the field of education in his speech, such as professional education knowledge data and student behavior data...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-31 11:55:16
  • Nvidia uses chat robots in chip design process

    Nvidia uses chat robots in chip design process

    On Monday, October 31st, chip manufacturer Nvidia announced a new research achievement that uses chat robots in the chip design process to improve communication and testing efficiency.Modern chips are large-scale integrated circuits composed of billions of transistors, and arranging them on small silicon wafers is one of the most difficult tasks in the technology industry, requiring tens of thousands of engineers to complete for up to two years...

    internet 2023-10-31 11:36:13
  • Foreign media review of Apple's press conference: Apart from chips, the biggest change is

    Foreign media review of Apple's press conference: Apart from chips, the biggest change is "deep space black"

    On Tuesday morning, Beijing time, Apple held an online press conference with the theme of "ScaryFast", announcing the launch of new MacBookPro and iMac equipped with M3 series chips. Throughout the entire press conference, it can be said that there were joys and sorrows, seemingly fitting the theme of "trick or treat" on Halloween...

    Industry dynamics 2023-10-31 10:45:13



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