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A screenshot of a Microsoft paper reveals that GPT-3.5 only has 20 billion parameters? The AI world is shaking, and netizens exclaim that it's too outrageous!

Intelligent devices 2023-10-31 14:09:57 Source:

Xinzhiyuan ReportEditor: Editorial DepartmentIntroduction to New Intelligence ElementA recent paper by Microsoft revealed that the parameter quantity of GPT-3.5 is only 20B, far less than the 175B previously announced by GPT-3

Xinzhiyuan Report

Editor: Editorial Department

Introduction to New Intelligence ElementA recent paper by Microsoft revealed that the parameter quantity of GPT-3.5 is only 20B, far less than the 175B previously announced by GPT-3. Netizens say that ChatGPT's ability seems to be 'worthy' of this size?

GPT-3.5 only has 20 billion parameters?

Today, the big model circle was flooded with screenshots from Microsoft's paper. What's going on?

Just a few days ago, Microsoft published a paper and posted it on arXiv, which proposed a small-scale diffusion model with only 75M parameters - CodeFusion.

In terms of performance, the CodeFusion with 75 million parameters can rival the state-of-the-art 350M-175B model in terms of top-1 accuracy.

Paper address: https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.17680

When the author compared ChatGPT (gpt-3.5 turbo), the nominal parameter quantity was only 20B!

Prior to this, everyone's speculation about the number of GPT-3.5 parameters was 175 billion, which is equivalent to a reduction of almost ten times!

According to the disclosure of this paper, netizens also updated the introduction of GPT-3.5 on Wikipedia and directly changed the parameter size to 20B.

As soon as the news came out, it went straight to Zhihu Hot Search, causing netizens to explode.

Someone suggested that I quickly turn around and review my previous blog post on model distillation.

Is it an 'oolong' or a 'fact'?

As soon as netizens posted their explosive posts, they immediately sparked a heated discussion.

At present, more than 680000 people have come to watch.

The old man said that several authors of the paper are also using Twitter, and it is estimated that they will come down to explain in person soon.

And for this mysterious "20B", netizens also have diverse opinions.

Some people speculate that this is likely due to the author's mistake in typing. For example, it was originally 120B or 200B.

Based on various evaluations in reality, there are indeed many small models that can achieve results similar to ChatGPT, such as Mistral 7B.

Perhaps this also indirectly confirms that the GPT-3.5 volume is really not large.

Many netizens also believe that the parameters of 20B may be accurate and exclaim:

This is too unimaginable! Both Falcon-180B and Llama2-70B cannot defeat this 20B model

Some netizens also believe that gpt-3.5 turbo is a refined version of gpt-3.5.

The "leakage" of this parameter confirms rumors that the performance of GPT-3.5 turbo is not as good as the old version of GPT-3.5 from the side.

However, according to the official documentation of OpenAI, except for the text avinci and code davinci that are no longer in use, all members of the GPT-3.5 family are based on gpt-3.5 turbo.

Microsoft Releases CodeFusion

The Microsoft paper that exposed GPT3.5 with only 20B parameters aims to introduce a diffusion model for code generation.

Researchers evaluated this model, CodeFusion, based on the task of generating natural language code for Bash, Python, and Microsoft Excel Conditional Format (CF) rules.

Experiments have shown that CodeFusion (with only 75M parameters) is comparable in top-1 accuracy to state-of-the-art LLM (350M-175B parameters), and has excellent performance and parameter ratio in top-3 and top-5 accuracy.

Model Architecture

CODEFUSION is used for code generation tasks, and its training is divided into two stages. The first stage is unsupervised pre training, and the second stage is supervised fine-tuning.

In the first stage, CODEFUSION uses unlabeled code fragments to train the noise canceller and decoder. It also uses a trainable embedding layer L to embed code fragments into continuous space.

In the second stage, CODEFUSION undergoes supervised fine-tuning, using text code to match the data. At this stage, the encoder, noise canceller, and decoder will all be adjusted to better perform the task.

In addition, CODEFUSION also draws on previous research on text diffusion and incorporates the hidden representation D from the decoder into the model. This is to improve the performance of the model. During the training process, at different steps, the model introduces some noise and calculates the loss function to ensure that the generated code fragments better meet the expected standards.

In summary, CODEFUSION is a small model that performs code generation work, continuously improving its performance through two stages of training and noise introduction. The inspiration for this model comes from research on text diffusion and improves the loss function by incorporating hidden representations of decoders to better generate high-quality code fragments.

Evaluation results

The following table summarizes the performance of the CODEFUSION model and various baseline models under the top-1, top-3, and top-5 settings.

In top-1, the performance of CODEFUSION is comparable to that of autoregressive models, and even performs better in some cases, especially in Python tasks where only GPT-3 (175B) performs slightly better than CODEFUSION (75M). However, in terms of top-3 and top-5, CODEFUSION is significantly superior to all baseline models.

The table below shows the average diversity results of CODEFUSION and autoregressive models (including T5, CodeT5, StarCoder, CodeGen, GPT-3) on various benchmark tasks, examining the results generated by the first five generations of each model.

Compared to autoregressive models, CODEFUSION generates more diverse results and performs better.

This method helps to summarize and demonstrate the gradual progress of the CODEFUSION model, as shown in the following figure.

Having said so much, what is the parameter count for GPT-3.5? What is the technical and other connection between GPT-4 and GPT-3.5?

Is GPT-3.5 an integration of small expert models or a generalist model? Is it through distillation of larger models or training with larger data?

The answers to these questions can only be revealed when they are truly open source.




Tag: that screenshot of Microsoft paper reveals GPT-3.5 only has

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