Nottingham University Ningbo China
The University of Nottingham The University of Nottingham was established in the UK City of Nottingham in 1881. It received its Royal Charter in 1948 and celebrates its Diamond Jubilee in 2008....
广东医学院创建于1958年,其前身是中山医学院湛江分院。1964年,经国务院批准,更名为湛江医学院。1992 年,易名为广东医学院。从“八五”计划开始,连续三个五年进入省重点建设院校行列。1991年获广东省办学水平评估一等奖,2005 年被教育部评定为本科教学水平优秀院校,现已成为广东省高素质医学专门人才培养的重要基地。...
國立中正大學 National Chung Cheng University
國立中正大學 National Chung Cheng University...
Welcome to Macau Polytechnic Institute
This is the official homepage of Macao Polytechnic Institute.澳门理工学院...
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,香港理工大学...
CARTIER - The renowned French jeweller and watchmaker
Cartier - watches (tank...), wedding and engagement rings, diamond jewellery and others luxury goods of the famous French watchmaker-jeweller. Stores and luxury retailers...
Official Rolex Website > Timeless Luxury Watches
The leading name in luxury watches, Rolex has been the pre-eminent symbol of performance and prestige for over a century. Rolex men’s and ladies’ watches combine style and elegance with precision and reliability....