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  • Microsoft CEO Nadella's Annual Letter: Seize the Opportunity and Fully Develop Artificial Intelligence!

    Microsoft CEO Nadella's Annual Letter: Seize the Opportunity and Fully Develop Artificial Intelligence!

    10162023CEO Satya NadellaAIAI"" 48 PC///""AIAIAIAIAIAI,48PC///:1EpicAzure OpenAIDragon Ambient eXperience Copilot2Mercado LibreGitHub Copilot50%3ChatGPTAzure OpenAI Service4Lumen TechnologiesMicrosoft 365 Copilot5The ContingentDynamics 365Power BIAzureAI20232110880,,,,,,AI,,Copilot,AICopilot,,Copilot:,,,AI,,,AIOpenAIChatGPTNVIDIAAIAdeptInflectionAzureAzure Arc1.8AIMicrosoft FabricAzure AIAzure OpenAIChatGPTGPT-4Azure11,000MetaLlamaAzure AI StudioGitHub Copilot55%27,000GitHub Copilot for Business1GitHub CopilotGitHub Copilot XAIGitHub10AI/Power Platform63,000Power PlatformAIDynamics 365 CopilotCRMERPDynamics 365 Customer ServiceCopilotAIMicrosoft Sales CopilotCRMSalesforceDynamicsDynamics5010DAX CopilotEpicMicrosoft 365OfficeTeamsDesignerStreamLoopMicrosoft 365Microsoft 365 CopilotMicrosoft GraphMicrosoft 365Microsoft 365 CopilotMicrosoft TeamsTeamsTeams50%Teams PremiumTeams3Microsoft VivaVivaCopilotViva3500Security Copilot6...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-22 13:46:27
  • Apple is exploring the possibility of incorporating advertisements in its original podcast

    Apple is exploring the possibility of incorporating advertisements in its original podcast

    Apple has traditionally not sold advertisements on its own podcasts, but recent developments suggest that the company may be considering changing its approach.From a historical perspective, Apple's podcasts have never had advertisements...

    Mobile Internet 2023-10-22 13:46:16
  • The overall usage of iPhones in the US smartphone market still lags behind Android

    The overall usage of iPhones in the US smartphone market still lags behind Android

    Although the iPhone dominates specific areas of the US smartphone market, it still lags behind Android in terms of overall usage.The latest research by CIRP shows that Apple's overall position in the US smartphone market remains stable, maintaining its position as the second most popular choice...

    Mobile Internet 2023-10-22 13:46:15
  • Cailian News Agency (October 22) - Bitcoin broke through $30000 in the short term, with a 24-hour increase of 1.8%.

    Cailian News Agency (October 22) - Bitcoin broke through $30000 in the short term, with a 24-hour increase of 1.8%.

    01:47:06 Cailian News Agency, October 22 (Xinhua) - Bitcoin broke through $30000 in the short term, rising 1.8% in 24 hours...

    Blockchain 2023-10-22 13:46:10
  • Relevant departments shall conduct tax inspections and land use investigations on Foxconn's subsidiaries in accordance with the law

    Relevant departments shall conduct tax inspections and land use investigations on Foxconn's subsidiaries in accordance with the law

    (Original title: [Exclusive] Relevant departments conducting tax inspections and land use investigations on Foxconn's subsidiaries in accordance with the law) On the 22nd, Global Times reporter Xing Xiaojing and Liu Xin learned exclusively from sources that the tax department has recently conducted tax inspections on Foxconn Group's key enterprises in Guangdong, Jiangsu, and other places in accordance with the law. The natural resources department has conducted on-site investigations on the land use of Foxconn's key enterprises in Henan, Hubei, and other places...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-22 13:46:10
  • Tesla Cybertruck Pickup

    Tesla Cybertruck Pickup "Violent Test": Dozens of Submachine Gun Ammunition Fails to Penetrate Vehicle Doors

    On October 21st, IT Home reported that Tesla CEO Musk announced on X (formerly Twitter) early this morning that his Cyberrack pickup truck had recently completed a "violent test": "We used the 'Alcapen' style to empty all the bullets from Tommy submachine gun drums and hit them on the door of this car,Not a single bullet penetrated the passenger compartmentIT Home NoteThe Tommy submachine gun mentioned here, also known as the Thompson submachine gun, has 50 rounds and 100 rounds of ammunition available, and 100 rounds can be fired within 7 seconds; Alcapen used 70 rounds of the gun to create a gang murder in 1929, and the gun later earned the nickname "Chicago Typewriter".Prior to this, Tesla Silicon Valley Owners Club shared a video showing a Cybertruck driving on a highway,Dozens of bullet holes were left on the driver's side door...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-22 13:46:06
  • Huang Renxun responds to AI chip ban: NVIDIA fully supports Chinese customers to like Huawei and other companies

    Huang Renxun responds to AI chip ban: NVIDIA fully supports Chinese customers to like Huawei and other companies

    On October 21st, KuaiTech reported that NVIDIA can be considered one of the most injured companies in terms of US export controls on AI chips.In response, Huang Renxun said that he was getting to know the relevant regulations as soon as possible and had been discussing with the company team all night, which would certainly have an impact on the market and industry in Chinese Mainland...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-22 13:46:00
  • Goodbye! MIUI official account has been renamed Xiaomi Pengpai OS! Xiaomi 14 starts

    Goodbye! MIUI official account has been renamed Xiaomi Pengpai OS! Xiaomi 14 starts

    On October 20th, KuaiTech reported that Lei Jun suddenly announced Xiaomi's brand new operating system - Pengpai OS on October 17th.It was also announced that the Xiaomi 14 series will be equipped with a new system for the first time...

    Mobile Internet 2023-10-21 12:18:09
  • Meizu 21 series models have started production to supplement screen shortcomings or will be released within the year

    Meizu 21 series models have started production to supplement screen shortcomings or will be released within the year

    On October 21st, Mobile China noticed that according to a well-known source, the materials for the Meizu 21 series models have already started to be put on the production line. Among them, the Meizu 21 Standard Edition model is equipped with a 4600mAh capacity battery, while the Meizu 21 Pro model is equipped with a 5000mAh capacity battery...

    Mobile Internet 2023-10-21 12:18:03
  • Livehouse's money is starting to make a lot of money

    Livehouse's money is starting to make a lot of money

    Production | Tiger Smell Commercial Consumer GroupAuthor | Zhou YuemingEditor | Miao ZhengqingTitle | Visual ChinaTiger sniff note: Is Livehouse a good business? This is the third article in the "Night Economy" series. Over the past two months, Tiger Smell has communicated with multiple Livehouse executives and band managers, and presented their thoughts and insights on Livehouse in this article...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-21 12:15:53
  • Artificial intelligence may lead to

    Artificial intelligence may lead to "social idleness" at work

    Produced by New York TimeWelcome to reprint, please specify signature and add public nameAccording to the New York Post on October 18thThe phenomenon of social laziness - where colleagues stop trying their best because they believe others will take on their work for them - typically occurs in human groups, whether in offices or school projects.New York Post News ScreenshotBut as robotics technology gradually integrates into the workplace, researchers have investigated the universality of this phenomenon between humans and automation technology, and found that in group environments, people are less willing to put in effort because they can rely on robots to complete tasks...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-21 12:15:52
  • Robots replace manual labor? After watching the lesson of Adidas' blood, speak again and tear down the smart factory

    Robots replace manual labor? After watching the lesson of Adidas' blood, speak again and tear down the smart factory

    If artificial intelligence is the trend of the times, no one should object. In recent years, artificial intelligence has achieved remarkable achievements, and there will be many artificial intelligence in our daily lives, especially in electronic products...

    Intelligent devices 2023-10-21 12:15:34



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