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Mastering SQL Server Practical Tutorial - SQL Server Installation Guide

Database Operation Tutorial 2023-05-12 12:12:14 Source: Network

cataloguepreface1 Introduction to Database1.1 Classification of databases1


This article, Mu Fengxiaoyue, takes you to learn about the installation and simple use of SQL Server databases. The main task of this article is to install SQL Server and successfully connect remotely, and then execute a few simple SQL statements for testing

1 Introduction to Database

1.1 Classification of databases

There are many types of databases, divided by storage models. The main types of databases are:

  • Mesh database
  • relational database
  • Tree database
  • Object-oriented database

The relational database includes:


The top three most commonly used in our daily lives are Oracle, MySQL, and MSSQLServer

1.2 Introduction to MSSQL

SQL Server is a database management system developed by Microsoft and is the most popular database on the Web for storing data. It has been widely used in industries related to databases such as e-commerce, banking, insurance, and power.

Currently ranked third in the database ranking.

DB Business is a globally renowned database ranking website: https://db-engines.com/en/ranking

The top ten databases are as follows:

2 Installation of MSSQL

2.1 Download the installation package from the website

Download address: https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/sql/sql-server/?view=sql -server-ver16  Or click here to download

Click to download SQL Server

Choose Developer to download

After the download is completed, place it in the D drive and double-click Install

2.2 Starting the installation and selecting the basic version

Select the language as Chinese and click Accept

Select installation location

Waiting for installation to complete

During the installation process, sometimes antivirus software will prompt a virus warning, just ignore it.

Installation completed interface:

2.3 Installing SSMS

SSMS is a visual operation tool, and now the new version defaults to no visual interface and needs to be installed separately

Download address: https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/sql/ssms/download-sql-server-management-studio-ssms?redirectedfrom=MSDN& ; view=sql-server-ver16

Click to download for free

This package is approximately 645MB, and the download time is quite long. It is recommended to be patient and wait:

Download completed, put the path of your own SQL Server package together.

Start installing SSMS

Waiting for installation to complete

The complete installation is shown in the following figure:

3 Connect to database

3.1 Database Connection

Click on the icon:

Click to enter your own IP address

Successfully linked as shown in the figure:

3.2 Creating a Database

Right click and select Create Database

Write the name of the database you want to create

Click on the student database to create a table

usestudentgocreatetable#db_ local_ table(idint,namevarchar(50),ageint,areaint)

The temporary table created cannot be shared with other sessions. When the session ends, the row and table definitions will be deleted


Have you learned today's content? I suggest you install it yourself.

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Tag: SQL Server Mastering Practical Tutorial Installation Guide

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